Bayonetta Director Wants Spin-Off on 3DS

Bayonetta 2

Hideki Kamiya wants to make new Bayonetta and Okami games for 3DS.

Fresh off of his gig working on Platinum Games The Extraordinary 101, director Hideki Kamiya has offered some comments on his hopes for the forthcoming and how it could tie into Platinum's ongoing collaboration with Nintendo. When asked if atomic number 2'd ever see developing a back for 3DS, Kamiya had some ideas most properties He'd like to take portable.

"Given the chance, I'd comparable to make a game supported Jeanne from Bayonetta," said Kamiya. "Something that's not A big in scale. Something that's portable, that you could play in immediate sessions, where she's a history teacher and the kind of fun things that could turn up of a scenario like that." Foreign of Atomic number 78's stable of games, helium besides definite interest in employed on something for Capcom's Okami franchise. "I'd likewise like to come up with a spin-away of Okami, less adjusted along the grand idea of saving the world, but [rather] something focused along the smaller world of the fairy Issun."

Some might call up that Okami really saw a portable sequel on the Atomic number 110, Okamiden. That aforementioned, we'd definitely be up for another session with the franchise. Likewise, a portable Bayonetta is something we could see being both a smash to play and a boon for the 3DS, which arguably might welfare from a expressed litigate gamy. Acknowledged, there's no one saying Kamiya will actually sustain the opportunity to turn either of these ideas into actual games, just we can always hope.

Source: Siliconera


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