A’ Design Awards & Competition – Call for Entries - Yanko Design

As one designer to another, I'll let you in on the real deal. Publicity is everything. No one cares how many awards you may take won. Yous just need to be able to turn heads with your work. Leonardo DiCaprio is a living case, isn't he? I strongly believe that publicity can take you places, and truth be told, at that place's no Design Awards plan that will give you exposure and publicity like the A' Blueprint Awards and Competition.

Virtually design awards are held to judge works and accolade practiced designs and talented designers, therefore putting their seal of approval on worthy designs/designers. However, that'due south where information technology ends also. Your accolade only gets you every bit far as the publicity/hype information technology generates. Which is why the people behind A' Design built a Pattern Awards program specifically for ensuring that good design isn't just awarded, it's properly (and virally) showcased also.

The A' Design Awards are dorsum this yr and if y'all're reading this correct now, you're just one step from existence not just a skillful designer, just a reputed designer too. Entries for this year's Pattern Competition are open and you've got only till the 28th of February to register and nominate your designs. The A' Design Awards are built to showcase pattern in its entirety; and with their diverse range of categories, you're not going to experience left out. If annihilation, you lot'll be spoiled for choice. Some of their top categories include Furniture Design, Lighting Blueprint, Electronic Devices Design, Transportation Design, Medical Devices Pattern, Home Appliances Pattern and MANY more (Take a look here).

Once your designs are ready, they'll exist judged by a star-studded panel of 70 top designers from around the world (if that isn't the best way to get your blueprint noticed, I don't know what is). Winners will be accredited with non just an award but besides a massive PR Entrada, Yearbook entry, World Design Ranking inclusion (and MUCH more). Even participants are given due recognition by being included in the World Blueprint Alphabetize, the Design Encyclopedia, and A' Design'due south Business Network, which is more than enough to cement your condition as a designer with recognition. And so what are yous waiting for?! Yous've got just xx days more to register and nominate your designs! Remember, having your design broadcasted to millions worldwide is the starting time and largest pace to being a reputed designer; and the A' Design Awards and Competition offer JUST that.

Below are a few of the many winners of last year'due south A' Design Awards, spread over the wide range of categories. We at Yanko sincerely hope their designs and their stories inspire yous to be the all-time designer you can be!

Register Here for the A' Design Awards and Competition 2022 : Deadline 28th February



















Source: https://www.yankodesign.com/2016/02/08/a-design-awards-competition-call-for-entries-2/

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