Whether the power push is not working on your Android phone or yous are simply tired of constantly pressing it, there are numerous alternative means to unlock and lock an Android device.

You tin can automate the whole process, double-tap to lock and unlock your Android, wake it upwardly by hovering your hand over the screen, and more. Here are several means to unlock and wake upward your screen without a power push button.

ane. Automatically Have Your Phone Wake Up or Sleep

While almost modern Android phones already have a elevator to wake feature built-in, if you are using an older phone model, then you tin can however relish this cool feature thanks to an app chosen Gravity Screen.

Gravity Screen takes all the transmission work out of turning your phone's screen on or off without the ability button. It not merely makes the power key obsolete merely doesn't crave whatever interaction from your end either.

Gravity Screen is a clever app that tin can observe your phone's motions. Based on sensor data, it can unlock the telephone as soon every bit you pick it up or pull it out of your pocket. The app can function in the opposite way as well. So when you identify your telephone on a tabular array or in your pocket, Gravity Screen will automatically switch it off.

Y'all don't demand to do much for configuring Gravity Screen. Beginning, become ahead and download the app from the Play Store. When installed, launch it and grant the Device Administrator permission. That's all.

But in example you notice it inaccurate, yous can arrange the triggering bending. On Gravity Screen's domicile page, you have straightforward bars for the Pocket and Table sensors. Drag and test dissimilar angles until you're satisfied.

Download: Gravity Screen (Free, in-app purchases bachelor)

2. Take Advantage of Your Phone's Biometric Sensors

On phones with fingerprint sensors or facial recognition features, y'all need neither a ability button nor a tertiary-party app to unlock your phone. All you take to do is swipe your finger or evidence your face. So if they're available on your phone, go alee and ready them up. You should exist able to locate them under Settings > Security.

In addition, some versions of Android have a software-based face unlock authentication way. It doesn't require any special sensors and instead relies solely on the front-facing camera to scan your confront. Earlier you learn how to employ it, practise keep in mind that this is not near equally secure as a Pin/fingerprint lock.

Android'south face unlock feature is commonly present at Settings > Security > Smart lock > Trusted face up or Settings > Security > Face up recognition.

Biometric hallmark covers the unlocking process. Only what about when you want to manually lock your telephone and don't look for the screen timer to kick in? To lock your phone without a power button, attempt double-tapping your screen. Many modernistic Android devices have a double-tap to unlock and lock characteristic available.

3. Double-Tap to Lock and Unlock Android

To see whether the double-tap to turn on screen and double-tap to turn off screen features are enabled on your Android device, head into your Settings to take a look.

On a Samsung phone, you should go to Avant-garde Features > Motions and Gestures. Within the motions and gestures section, y'all will be able to find a number of handy settings, including double-tap to plough on and off your screen. This feature can likewise be used to lock your phone—double-tap to lock, double-tap to unlock.

Alternatively, if double-tapping your screen to lock and unlock your Android notwithstanding isn't working, you tin can employ a tertiary-party app like Screen Off.

Screen Off adds a handy shortcut on your phone's abode screen. You tin tap it to immediately lock your phone. The app also supports Google Assistant, and so you can say "Hey Google, Open Screen Off," and the phonation banana will automatically switch off the screen.

Download: Screen Off (Free, in-app purchases available)

4. Wave to Unlock and Lock Your Phone

If you're trying to wake upwards your screen without a ability button, then yous can replace the power key with your easily likewise. An app called WaveUp lets you lot wake up or lock the phone by hovering your hand over the proximity sensors. Similar to Gravity Screen, WaveUp can turn on the screen when you pull the phone out of your pocket.

In addition, yous can customize the wave combinations. So, for instance, to avert accidentally triggering the service, you can ask WaveUp to wake up the phone only when yous cover and uncover the sensor twice in succession.

WaveUp has a quick setup procedure too. By default, it comes enabled with the unlock gesture. To utilize information technology for locking the phone, actuate the Lock Screen pick and grant the Accessibility permission.

There are a handful of other settings you tin customize to ensure WakeUp doesn't interrupt you when you're, for case, playing a game. You can exclude specific apps, add together a buffer before locking so you have the selection to pause it, specify whether information technology should piece of work in mural mode, and more.

Download: WaveUp (Free)

v. Explore Your Phone'southward Other Built-in Gestures

While the double-tap to wake gesture is one of the nigh popular gestures to wake upward your telephone, other devices have different features you can apply.

A common ane is Lift to Wake, which automatically turns on your screen whenever you pick upwardly your device. To run into if your phone has a Lift to Wake feature, try searching for information technology in the search bar situated at the top of Settings.

While Elevator to Wake won't unlock your phone without the power button, it will allow y'all to put your passcode in in one case the screen wakes upwardly, or access an in-screen fingerprint scanner. If you desire your phone to unlock when you use the lift to wake feature, and so consider turning on the Smart Lock features.

You'll find your phone's Smart Lock features within your Lock Screen settings. Nether Lock Screen, select Smart Lock and then actuate any features you want to use.

On-body detection will go along your device unlocked while information technology's on your person. Trusted places will keep your device unlocked in certain locations, and Trusted devices will keep your device unlocked all the time information technology is near a trusted device.

How to Install Apps When Ability Button Isn't Working

You might be wondering how you'd open your phone without the ability button and how would you set up these alternative methods if your power button is not working and you can't turn on the brandish. Fortunately, at that place is a manner to unlock your screen without a power button.

The easiest solution is to put your phone on charge. In one case yous plug in the cablevision, the screen volition switch on to ostend the battery is charging. At this stage, you can manually enter your Pivot or passcode on the lock screen and admission your phone's settings or the Google Play Shop as usual.

How to Uninstall These Apps

To take over your telephone's cadre functions like waking up the screen, some of these apps may take asked y'all for the Device Administrator permission. This means you lot won't be able to directly uninstall them if you wish to in the future.

Instead, offset, you will have to revoke their Device Administrator permission. To do that, become to Settings > Apps & notifications or Apps > Advanced > Special app access > Device admin apps. Disable the permission for the app yous'd like to remove and and so go on with the standard uninstallation steps.

Open Your Phone Without the Power Button

Using your phone when something isn't working as information technology should is highly frustrating, especially if you tin't get your screen to unlock. These apps and tips offering nifty replacements for your phone's ability button if you're trying to lock or unlock your phone.

In recent years, manufacturers and app developers accept become much more conscious of accessibility, and so there are now plenty of alternative ways to employ your device if your screen, buttons, or microphone may accept packed up.

Microphone Not Working on Your Android Phone? How to Prepare It

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